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Filed Under: sue for overtime wages unpaid

Can a salaried attorney sue his firm or company for unpaid overtime?

Yes, a salaried attorney may be able to sue his firm or company for unpaid overtime, unless otherwise exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Typically a salaried attorney who earns more than $100,000 per year are generally ineligible to sue and considered exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act. However, lower paid lawyers […]

Is a lawyer entitled to overtime pay from the law firm?

Yes, a lawyer may be entitled to overtime pay from the law firm they work for, unless otherwise exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). If you believe you have been wrongfully denied overtime, the best option is to contact an experienced overtime pay attorney who can advise you on your rights. According to […]

Nannies Pay Laws & Nanny Overtime Lawsuits

Nannies, or domestic service employees, are generally entitled to the FLSA minimum wage law but not its overtime law requirements.  Hours worked by a nanny includes the time spent on duty, but does not include meal time and other of duty time.  There can also be a difference depending on if the nanny is provided […]

Farm Workers Pay Laws & Lawsuits

The FLSA exempts the majority of farm workers from both federally mandated minimum and overtime wage laws.  However, work performed that is not incidental or in conjunction with a farmer’s farming operation is not exempt under the FLSA. See http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs12.pdf for more information. Some states may have their own overtime pay laws that may be […]

Agricultural Workers Pay Laws & Overtime Lawsuits

The FLSA exempts the majority of agricultural workers from both federally mandated minimum and overtime wage laws.  However, work performed that is not incidental or in conjunction with a farmer’s farming operation is not exempt under the FLSA. See http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs12.pdf for more information. Some states may have their own overtime pay laws that may be […]

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