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Filed Under: Pennsylvania News – Lawsuits, Settlements, Information

Landscapers Settle Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit for $4.8 Million

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Hundreds of landscapers in an unpaid overtime collective action lawsuit recently secured a substantial $4.8 million settlement to resolve claims with their former employer over allegations that the defendant failed to pay overtime and other wages under federal labor laws.

Snack Food Company Settles Class Action Lawsuit with Drivers

PHILADELPHIA — A Pennsylvania federal judge recently gave tentative approval for a settlement to resolve a class action unpaid overtime lawsuit between a snack food manufacturing company and its drivers who claim the defendant failed to pay the plaintiffs all their due wages, including overtime.

Department of Labor Targets Pennsylvania Spa in Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit

PHILADELPHIA — The U.S. Department of Labor filed a federal unpaid overtime lawsuit against against a Pennsylvania spa over allegations that the business set up an illegal tip pool for employees earning less than minimum wage and failed to pay all wages and provide accurate pay statements to other workers.

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