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Filed Under: Cheyenne, WY News – Lawsuits, Settlements, Information

Wyoming Halliburton Workers Subjected To Wage Violations

CASPER — After being subjected to a federal investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), oil and gas giant Halliburton will be required to pay 27 Wyoming workers a total of $506,000 in compensation for withheld overtime wages.

Wyoming Overtime Pay Lawsuits

CHEYENNE — If you are a Wyoming employee who was not paid for working overtime, you may be able to file an unpaid overtime lawsuit. These cases seek to force the employer, either past or present, to pay the employee the back unpaid wages for overtime hours that were not paid. Unpaid overtime lawsuits also […]

Wyoming Overtime Pay Laws: Wage & Hour Lawyers

CHEYENNE — The State of Wyoming uses the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to specifically set how much and when a worker must be paid. The laws are set forth by state statute and non-exempt employers must comply with these laws. There are numerous exceptions to these laws based upon the type of employment, the […]

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