WASHINGTON D.C — There is a high demand for staffing jobs in the medical industry right now, making staffing recruiters’ jobs increasingly busy. They must ensure that all staffing positions are filled with qualified candidates, verifying that there are enough people working at any given time in a particular facility.
Staffing Recruiters often work far more than 40 hours in a workweek, but many of them are not paid overtime as required under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The employer’s failure to pay required overtime to Staffing Recruiters can result in a lawsuit for overtime pay. If you or someone you know works or has worked as a staffing recruiter and has been denied overtime pay, you should speak with an experienced overtime pay lawyer as soon as possible to learn your rights.
Recruiting physicians, nurses, and other staffing specialists is an all-encompassing job and involves communications with prospective employees and employers from all over the world. The duties involved in this line of work include:
- Finding prospective candidates
- Reviewing applicants’ resume
- Pre-qualifying candidates and performing background checks
- Qualifying the healthcare candidates for specific jobs once screened
- Interviewing candidates on the telephone
- Arranging in-person interviews with the healthcare companies
- Negotiation salaries and benefits for the healthcare job
- Placing and assigning employees at clinics, hospitals, and other medical facilities
- Communicating efficiently with employers and employees ensuring the needs of both are met in a timely and effective manner
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay non-exempt employees an overtime wage of time-and-a-half for all hours worked over 40 in one workweek. Some states have also enacted overtime laws that regulate the number of hours an employee can work within 24 hours before receiving overtime. In calculating the number of hours worked, the employer must consider all required work performed in all facilities and departments, both before and after a shift, including staff meetings and required paid training.
To determine whether you are eligible for filing a wage claim, contact our experienced Staffing Recruiter Overtime Pay Lawyers at (855) 754-2795 for a Free Consultation to discuss your case or complete the Free Unpaid Overtime Case Review Form on this page. We will discuss your situation and determine if you have a claim. If you are owed unpaid wages, we will represent you under our No Fee Promise, which means there are never any legal fees or costs unless you receive a settlement.